We provide extensive training in LAMP (Linux. Apache, Mysql and PHP) technologies. This is a specialized professional training only for students / working professionals who want to make a career in PHP and has some basic understanding of PHP and Mysql. We have professional trainers in our team who aim at bridging the gap between the theoretical knowledge imparted at college campuses and the practical exposure to concepts required at workplace. Our trainers are highly qualified and their knowledge is backed by profound industry experience in working with PHP concepts.
will cover the following aspects:
- Exposure to coding norms and structure.
- Exposure to MVC Architecture.
- Exposure to E-commerce concepts.
- Exposure to readymade scripts and content management systems.
- Exposure to end to end software development lifecycle.
- Exposure to Advanced concepts like Banner Management Systems, Affiliate Management Systems etc.
- Practical training on MYSQL database design and concepts.
- Exposure to live projects.
Basic PHP Course
- Introduction of PHP
- Variables and Expressions in PHP
- PHP Operators
- Conditional Tests and Events in PHP
- PHP Flow Control
- PHP Configuration
- PHP Functions
- Storing Data in Arrays using PHP
- Handling Database with PHP
- String Manipulation in PHP
- Sessions and Cookies in PHP
- File and Directory Access Using PHP
- Other I/O Issues in PHP
- Object Orientation in PHP
- Handling Email with PHP
- Graphic in PHP
- Putting it all together – Outline
- Putting it all together – Display Data
- Acting on items in a list
- Create & Edit Data
- Putting it all together – Conclusion
- Introduction of Javascript
- Manipulating HTML Elements in Javascript
- Javascript Statements
- Javascript Variables
- Javascript Operators
- Comparison Operators
- If…Else Conditional Statements
- Switch Statements
- Popup Boxes Alert Box
- Javascript Functions
- JavaScript Loops
- JavaScript For…In Statement
- Acting to an Event
- JavaScript – Catching Errors
- Object Based Programming
- String Object
- Date Object
- Array Object
- Boolean Object
- JavaScript Form Validation
- JavaScript Create Your Own Objects
- jQuery Introduction
- Syntax
- Selectors
- Events
- Effects
- Callback Functions
- HTML Manipulation
- CSS Manipulation
- jQuery AJAX
- Introduction
- How it Works
- Where to Use
- Ajax Functions
Android Course
Course Benefits
- Master all theoretical concepts
- Hands-on programming/case studies on each module
- Experience Real life applications development
- Industry oriented curriculum to prepare yourself for Jobs
- By the time you graduate show that you have 6 months experience of developing Android Applications.
Who should attend
- Final Year Students of Diploma, BE, MCA, MCM, MSC, MSc,BCS, Bsc and BCA.
- Fresh graduate of BE / Diploma
- Beginner or an Intermediate level developer who wants to jump onto the iPhone Apps development bandwagon and start making money
- Android owns more than 50% of total smartphone market share
- Android enabled devices Sales Grow 150% Percent
- 500 Million Android devices; 1.3 million new ones arrive each day.
- More than 450,000 free and paid application available at Google Play
Android Course Contents
Introduction To Mobile Apps
- Why we Need Mobile Apps
- Different Kinds of Mobile Apps
- Briefly about Android
Introduction Android
- History Behind Android Development
- What is Android?
- Pre-requisites to learn Android
- Brief Discussion on Java Programming
Android Architecture
- Overview of Android Stack
- Android Features
- Introduction to OS layers
Deep Overview in Android Stack
- Linux Kernel
- Libraries
- Application Framework
- Dalvik VM
Installing Android Machine
- Configuring Android Stack
- Creating Eclipse Environment
- Integrating Android with Eclipse IDE
- Exploring Eclipse IDE
Creating First Android Application
- Creating Android Project
- Debugging Application through DDMS
- setting up environment
- AVD Creation
- Executing Project on Android Screen
Android Components
- Activities
- Services
- Broadcast Receivers
- Content Providers
Hello World App
- Creating your first project
- The manifest file
- Layout resource
- Running your app on Emulator
Building UI with Activities
- Views, layouts and Common UI components
- Creating UI through code and XML
- Activity lifecycle
- Communicating data among Activities
Advanced UI
- Selection components (GridView, ListView, Spinner )
- Adapters, Custom Adapters
- Complex UI components
- Building UI for performance
- Creating custom and compound Views
- Toast, Custom Toast
- Dialogs
- Status bar Notifications
- Using Java Mutithreading classes
- AsyncTask
- Handler
- Writing an animated game
Styles And Themes
- Creating and Applying simple Style
- Inheriting built-in Style and User defined style
- Using Styles as themes
Resources and Assets
- Android Resource
- Using resources in XML and code
- Localization
- Handling Runtime configuration changes
Intent, Intent Filters and Broadcast Receivers
- Role of filters
- Intent-matching rules
- Filters in your manifest
- Filters in dynamic Broadcast Receivers
- Creating Broadcast receiver
Data Storage
- Shared Preferences, Android File System
- Internal storage, External storage
- SQLite,SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database
- Opening and closing adatabase
- Working with cursors Inserts, updates, and deletes
Content Providers
- Accessing built in content providers
- Content provider MIME types
- Searching for content
- Adding, changing, and removing content
- Creating content provider
- Working with content files
- Overview of services in Android
- Implementing a Service
- Service lifecycle
- Inter Process Communication (AIDL Services)
Multimedia in Android
- Multimedia Supported audio formats
- Simple media playback
- Supported video formats
- Simple video playback
Location Based Services and Google Maps
- Using Location Based Services
- Finding current location and listening for changes in location
- Proximity alerts
- Working with Google Maps
- Map Overlays,Itemized overlays
- Geocoder , Displaying route on map
Web Services and WebView
- Consuming web services
- Receiving HTTP Response (XML, JSON )
- Parsing JSON and XML
- Using WebView
- How Sensors work
- Using Orientation and Accelerometer sensors
- Best practices for performance
- Monitoring and managing Internet connectivity
- Managing active connections
- Managing WiFi networks
Telephony Services
- Making calls , Controlling the phone
- Accessing phone properties and status
- Sending messages
- Taking pictures
- Media Recorder
- Rendering previews
- Controlling local Bluetooth device
- Discovering and bonding with Bluetooth devices
- Managing Bluetooth connections
- Communicating with Bluetooth
Android Application Deployment
- Android Application Deployment on device with Linux and Windows
- Android Application Deployment on Android Market
iPhone Course Benefits
- Master all theoretical concepts
- Hands-on programming/case studies on each module
- Experience Real life applications development
- Industry oriented curriculum to prepare yourself for Jobs
- By the time you graduate show that you have 6 months experience of developing Android Applications.
Who should attend
- Final Year Students of Diploma, BE, MCA, MCM, MSC, MSc,BCS, Bsc and BCA.
- Fresh graduate of BE / Diploma
- Beginner or an Intermediate level developer who wants to jump onto the iPhone Apps development bandwagon and start making money
- iPhone Sales Grow 142 Percent; iPad Sales Grow 183 Percent
- Apple has sold 84M iPads, 400M iOS devices, 350M iPods
- More than 775,000 (300,000 native to iPad) free and paid application available at App Store
iPhone Course Contents
Objective C
- Introduction to Objective-c programming
- Primitive Data Types and Operators
- Flow Control Statements
- Arrays and Structures
- Classes, Objects, and Messaging
- Memory Management and Properties
- Inheritance, Polymorphism
- Protocols and Categories
- Introduction to Foundation Framework Classes
- File Handling
- Property Lists, NSCopy, and Archiving
- Selectors and Targets
- Dynamic Typing and Dynamic Binding
iPhone SDK
- Introduction to iPhone Architecture
- Introduction to Development IDE – XCODE, Interface Builder
- Creating and building simple applications
- Handling Basic Interaction
- Creating basic view controllers
- Monitoring events and actions
- Creating advanced view controllers
- Memory Management
- Storyboarding Integration
- Programmatic Interface creation
- Integrating with core services – Email, Contacts, Camera, Map kit etc
- Data: actions, preferences, files, and addresses
- Camera, WebKit, Mapkit and core location
- Creating of database and using it in iPhone app
- Introduction to url loading system
- Debugging, testing the application
A Diploma course in Software Testing helps candidates to gain complete knowledge of software testing. They also get to work on a Industrial project which gives them as insight into the real world scenario of life as a Software Tester in the industry.
Compared to most other Software Testing Courses in Pune offered by various institutes, at Enterprise Mobility the hands-on practice is done along with the teaching. So the student gets to practice as soon as the topic is taught and not wait for the lab session to practice.
Course will cover the following aspects:
- Student will work on Live industrial US based project.
- Student will get Certificate of training of work on projects.
- Student will get Experienced and skilled IT people guidance.
- Student will get guidance for an interview and how to crack an interview.
Testing Course Contents(Manual Testing)
Principles of Software Testing
- Testing defined and terminology
- Requirements
- Test Condition
- Test Cases
- Test Scripts/ procedures
- Test ware relationships
- Black Box/Glass testing
Disciplined Software testing Practice
- Requirements are crucial for effective testing
- Test both functional and quality requirements
- Adopt Model – Based requirements
- Formally design your tests
- Perform both positive and negative testing
- Trace requirements to test components
- Perform through regression testing
- Define your test process
- Select tools to support your process
- Perform both static and dynamic testing
- Continue formal education
Testing levels
- Unit testing
- Integration testing
- System testing
- Major areas of systems testing
- Usability and GUI testing
- GUI Navigation diagrams
- User acceptance
- Regression testing
- The structured testing pyramid
System test Planning
- Why plan
- Developing a test strategy
- Test documentation
- Components of a test plan
- A test plan template
- Creating a systems test plan
Test Case Design Techniques
- Strategies for generating test cases
- Black box testing
- Glass box testing
Systems Test Design
- Test design basics
- Test design activities
- Deliverables of the test design phase
- Condition and test cases
- Procedures and expected results
- Major areas of system testing
- Preparing the Test Design Specification
- A Systems test Specification template
Defect tracking
- Severity
- Priority
- Defect Distribution
- Defect clustering
- Defect Reporting
- Tools used are
Jira, mobiletest, loadzen